Verd was born almost six years before it was founded. In 1999, ELINOIL experimentally distributed a 7% biodiesel blend, a fuel unknown in Greece then, to its petrol station network. This move marked the beginning of ELINOIL’s shift to renewable energy. From these first steps, which led to the company’s official establishment in 2005 and to its independence from ELINOIL, it has remained true to its principles: Innovation, insightfulness and commitment to human values and the protection of the Environment.
The company’s decision to start producing biofuels, innovative in itself, took things further. Realizing the significant contradictions in the use of edible oils for fuel production, Verd turned from the start to the production of biodiesel from waste. The strong criticism it received years later by the entire field justified its choice.
The creation of a strong R&D department from the early years of Verd’s plant operation contributed substantially to the company’s development as a pioneering company at a European level, with collaborations with leading research institutes and considerable participation in European institutions.
In the same direction was the company’s decision to set up its own used cooking oil collection company, Prasino Ladi, the model company in the used cooking oil recycling industry, with the largest market share in the field today. It is also a founding member of EWABA and a pioneer in the household used cooking oil collection.
Today, Verd innovates and trailblazes once again by expanding its activities in the sector of RES power generation. With the realization of its own RES parks and microgrid installations for customers, Verd extends its spectrum of activities to the customer service sector, through a smart and pioneering platform for RES producers, Prosumers, electricity traders, network operators and providers, aiming once more towards the forefront of developments in the European Union, in relation to the challenge of decarbonisation of the planet’s energy system
But beyond its activities, Verd is primarily shaped by its people. An inspired, brave team which shares the company principles. A team of people who collaborate, question, research and create. A team who, like the company itself, emit POSITIVE ENERGY.